Organizing all of your tools in a disorganized workshop can be time-consuming and frustrating. Your work ethic should be evident in your workshop. To make the most of the available space and permit the unrestricted use of all tools and equipment, it should be neat, organized, and well-planned.
Productivity gains can be realized in a well-designed workshop. If you choose an initial plan, don’t worry about changing it later because the layout will undoubtedly change over time to meet your changing needs. Buying rolling tool cabinets are always helpful.
The secret is to develop a plan that makes it simple to organize your workshop and then work to keep it that way. Here are the Top 10 Best Workshop Corner Uses.
1. Make A Design Template
The first step is to create a design template to visualize how you will lay out each area based on workflow. Plan the space according to each corner of a typical woodworking project, and don’t forget to consider things like plug space and planning for new tools you might want to add to your collection over time.
2. Use Extra Plywood To Store Various Tools
You don’t need to spend a lot of money to organize your workshop. You can quickly and neatly store your extra tools that are taking up space on your workbench by using extra materials you have lying around your workshop, like this hack using extra plywood. This is a more advantageous method of tool storage than a box or drawer because you can see every tool.
3. Keep Similar Tools In One Corner
Keeping related tools together will help you save time by reducing the amount of time spent sifting through piles of tools to find the one you need. Pneumatic tools, for instance, could all be kept together in a cabinet or tool chest with drawers.
Similarly to this, you might have all of your wrenches in one place or all of your woodworking equipment. It’s up to you how you divide the tools into groups; there are several options. You might decide to group all of your saws together.
Alternatively, you might keep hacksaws and wood saws with metal and wood tools, respectively. Choose any method that works for you and stick with it.
4. Place Cabinets And Drawers Below Work Surfaces
Workbenches or tables are typically available in workshops for your use. However, don’t let the area below go to waste. Put cabinets and drawers there in their place. There is a lot of room there that could be used for storage but wouldn’t be very useful for anything else. So, benefit from it.
5. Pegboard
When you begin to run out of room, it’s time to think outside the box. If you have wall-mounted shelving, you can double it to provide two times as much storage by making it twice as deep. Installing a pegboard can be the best approach.
Install a pegboard on your walls and use it as a garage storage cabinet to hang your tools if you don’t want to add a lot of shelves to your walls. This method of using your workshop corners for storage can be used with or without storage equipment and is quick and simple to set up. You could even make a small shelf out of it to keep your screwdrivers on.
6. Fill the Highest Areas
The highest corners of your walls may start to appear a little bare as you run out of space in your workshop. It’s time to fill them if that’s the case. Now, getting to those places can be challenging. Therefore, you must once more exercise your creative side.
Our favorite approach is using sliding shelves. From floor to ceiling, these shelves are stacked one on top of the other. However, each shelf can be pulled out and transformed into a step so you can stand on it to extend your reach.
7. Use Tool Cabinets
Tools are best stored in tool cabinets, which are made specifically for this purpose. There are numerous designs, and they are available in all sizes and shapes. To make it simple to move, pick a workbench with drawers or rolling cabinets and casters.
You can purchase these with inserts to easily organize your assortment of sockets, bits, wrenches, or just about anything else.
8. Organize a Cords Corner
Your workshop probably has a few cords. There are a number of ways you can use to better organize them. Before putting each cord into a toilet paper tube, one method is to coil them. If you write the descriptions on the outside of the tube, you won’t ever have to be concerned about sorting through tangled cords again.
9. Finish The Day By Putting Everything Away
This advice is essential for maintaining a tidy workshop. Give each tool a designated location. Keep a tool where it belongs once it has been designated! Of course, to work with it, you must remove it.
Put your tools back where they belong after each use. For this to work, you need to make it a habit. Every time you finish working, you must immediately take care of this. Do not wait. Your workshop will be in disarray when you get back if you leave those tools out, and you’ll develop the bad habit of doing the same.
10. Use Pro813604 – Stationary Corner Lazy Swivel
In many workplaces, efficiently using the space at hand is a top priority. The same applies to garages, where tools must be kept securely and easily accessible. When it comes to this, Pro813604 – Stationary Corner Lazy Swivel is useful. Without interfering with shop operations, they are able to make use of space that might have otherwise gone to waste.
Toolbox Distributors offers corner toolbox units that provide not only storage but also a working area. These units have special features like strong racks and drawers to increase their effectiveness.
Bottom Line
No matter how many helpful tips you read, if you don’t use them, they won’t be of any use to you. Now it’s up to you to start putting the best strategies from this list into practice right away. Check out Toolbox Distributors’ products to get the best work benches for the garage.